I got to visit where they make the bread. And got to experience the atmosphere and taste bread. 10/10 the workers were so nice.

Our Story
Hi, I’m Todd.
Leavity Bread & Coffee is my dream come true.
I’ve always been passionate about food and community. On a trip to Europe, I fell in love with traditional, long-fermented sourdough. After returning home, I spent years honing the art of baking it. Today, together with my awesome team of bakers and baristas, we’re excited to welcome you into our cozy cafe.
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The secret behind our funny name
During a family brainstorming session (which involved a few bottles of wine), Todd’s sister suggested “Leavity” — a mashup of “leavened” (a type of long-fermented European-style bread) and “levity” (meaning lightness and fun). So enjoy some yummy, fresh-baked bread along with a steaming cup of King’s Peak coffee, and melt into your own style of Leavity.
Our Commitment to Quality
Leavity breads are made with quality ingredients — primarily organic, heirloom, and whole grain. This produces a product with a fluffy center, good chew, and crunchy crust. Our King’s Peak coffees are consciously sourced and specialty-grade.
Our commitment to health and nutrition
Leavity’s breads are packed with nutrition. High percentages of whole grains provide critical fiber and minerals. Long fermentation times —20 hours, versus only about 4 for store-bought bread —increase bioavailability by breaking down fiber, starches, and proteins into smaller units, making them easier for the body to absorb. Leavity bread is well-tolerated by people with gluten sensitivities (but not celiac disease).
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Our Commitment to Sustainability
By buying and sourcing organic and heirloom grains, Leavity supports sustainable agriculture. Organic grain farming requires farmers to rotate crops, which limits soil erosion and increases organic matter and microbes in the soil. This leads to better production on the farm, more resilience to climate conditions, and decreased need for inorganic fertilizers and chemicals. This cycle is beneficial for the environment as well as the local economy.
We bake fresh bread daily, which is ready at 8 am and available until sold out. The bottom line: Get here early!
We use Todd’s favorite roaster, King’s Peak Coffee Roasters, whose beans are consciously sourced and specialty-grade.
Leavity bread is baked using long fermentation — a process that not only tastes better, but is also better tolerated by people with digestive issues. The nutrition science behind sourdough can get a little wonky, but if you’re up for geeking out on some clinical studies, go here, here, or here. If you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease, you should avoid eating any foods containing gluten, including sourdough, before consulting your doctor.
Leavity breads are made with quality ingredients — primarily organic, heirloom, and whole grain. We use ancient and heirloom grains such as spelt, khorsan, and bordeaux rouge, which were first domesticated at the dawn of agriculture and have not had their genetic structure further hybridized like current-day wheats.
We recommend storing your freshly baked sourdough loaf in a cotton bread bag or wrapped in a cotton kitchen towel, which allows it to “breathe.” Then, leave your bread in a cool place, so it can maintain normal moisture levels without encouraging bacteria and mold to grow. If you’re not planning to eat your bread soon, you can freeze it and thaw it when you’re ready.